However, there is nothing sexy about the long term damage that can arise, unsightly feet or
corrective surgery.Obviously we can't do without our high heels, so we simply have to manage
the risk.Firstly ensure your body is top shape before you start. If the wearer then
goes for a jog, or plays squash, they can have problems with Achilles strain or
in severe cases it can rupture.So what's a girl to do?As we know from all
the girls in Sex in the City, a stunning pair of heels do make a
woman look sexier and feel great. There is much less chance of developing low back
pain if you are strong and fit. From once being seen purely as a luxury
item for super models, Nike Tn people like Carrie Bradshaw and Jimmy Choo have made them a
daily part of every girl's day. High heels are very much in fashion but very
regularly cause injuries. The entire weight of the body is directed onto the ball of
your foot, this can be especially dangerous for those who are over weight causing the
metatarsals of the foot to experience additional pressure. However they do come with a serious
health warning.High heels and Low Back PainHigh heels significantly affect your natural posture and your
spine. Stretch your back, your calves and hamstrings in particular.Thirdly get sports massage once a
month minimum. Many women do report back pain after a long day or evening in
the heels.The muscles that support the lower back Zapatillas Puma can become strained and cause aching or
pain to arise. This will loosen off the tight structures, realign the spine and lengthen
the hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendon.This may sound like a lot but trust me from
the patients we see after their bunion operation or prolapsed discs, it's nothing really!And anyway,
that's the price of fashion!Anne-Marie Samuel is the Senior Chartered Physiotherapist at Body in Motion.
Problems that can occur include arthritis, nerve pain, hammer toes, ingrown toenail and bunions.Also with
prolonged wear the Achilles tendon and calf muscle tends to become shortened and tight. The
natural arch in the lower back becomes more acute when wearing heels and the bottom
often sticks out more than normal. So activities like swimming, Pilates, circuit class, box-ercise and
whatever else make you feel good. This can leave the spine subject to injury, wear
and tear or disc problems. Focus on activities that make the abdominal area strong and
your deep core muscles.Secondly a regular regime of stretching will prevent a lot of problems
occurring. The low lumbar joints also are under more intense pressure and can pinch and
lock.If this pinching traps a nerve, pain, tingling and numbness can occur.High heels and the
FeetMost women are immediately aware of increased strain on the foot as soon as they
stand up in high heels. Either get involved in a yoga class or make sure
you do 10-15 mins stretching every day. She specialises in treating pain and injury.For more
help please visit
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